Office of the State Auditor
Local Government Audit Division


Welcome to the Office of the State Auditor’s Local Government Portal

This website is intended to enable local governments to electronically file copies of certain documents required by state statute for public information, research, and compliance purposes with the Office of the State Auditor (OSA). The files are public records and accessible through this system subject to the state auditor’s local government document retention policies.
In order for a local government's staff or officials to file a document, the local government must have an active account and the registered account holder must have appropriate filing privileges for the document to be submitted. Most local governments have a single account holder. The registered account holder is responsible for the appropriate use of and security for the account and associated privileges as an authorized representative of the governing body of the local government.
Once a document (which must be in .pdf format) is submitted it cannot be modified. BEFORE filing, ensure the document is complete with all requirements for filing included. Incomplete or partial filings may be rejected by OSA Staff with rejection notification provided to the registered account holder.
Account users are responsible for correctly entering all required information. All users agree to act responsibly and not knowingly submit any documentation that contains non-public information or malicious software, aka malware. Users may be banned from the site for repeated bad behavior. Malicious users will be referred to law enforcement.
If you have any questions, please call Support at 303.869.3000 or email the State Auditor’s local government team at:
The OSA will retain information needed to perform OSA duties, this may include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for individuals posting files for traceability of the information. The entire privacy policy for OSA is available here: . OSA may update the privacy policy as needed, without notice.
IMPORTANT NOTE: JavaScript must be enabled on your browser. If you have a disability and cannot access certain areas of this system, please contact the State Auditor’s local government team at 303.869.3000 for further help.
   I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the above terms for using this system.

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